Since our daughter Lillian was diagnosed with AML Leukemia, we have hosted many donor drives to encourage more Americans to join the bone marrow registry. We decided to use this website not only for encouraging people to be bone marrow donors and advocacy, but also to help the general public understand more about bone marrow donation and leukemia cancer treatment and research. All the articles in this blog will be published in both English and Chinese, as the minorities like Chinese only have 40% of finding the matching donors compared to 70% matching probability for White Americans.
自从我们的女儿圆圆被诊断出患有 AML 白血病以来,我们和be-the-match等国家骨髓库及许多慈善机构及教会合作主持了许多捐赠者活动,以鼓励更多的美国人加入骨髓登记。 我们决定使用这个网站不仅鼓励人们成为骨髓捐献者和宣传,而且还帮助公众更多地了解骨髓捐赠和白血病癌症的治疗和研究。 这个博客中的所有文章都将以英文和中文发表,因为像中国人这样的少数族裔只有40%能找到匹配的捐赠者,而美国白人的匹配概率只有70%。